The trap was set right under the office chair, near the web of computer cables, which would prove to be a tactical error.
We rigged a coin to act as the trigger for the trap. We theorized that when the unsuspecting "lepperchaun" picked up the last golden coin, it would pull on the attached string which would then pull on the stick propping up the box and--POOF! We'd have a trapped leprechaun!
So with the Trap set, we set off for the Dogtown St. Pat's Day parade with some friends.
"Do you think we caught a leprechaun, Mom?"
The trail of coins was gone!
The trap was sprung!
But no leprechaun.
The box had landed on the computer cables when it fell.
Oh my, this was huge disappointment for my son. He was so sure he'd catch a leprechaun. He just knew it. He told me this about 20 times before his dad got home about 2 hours later. And he met his dad at the door with
"As you can see I set a Leprechaun trap."